Firstly, at Oak Canyon Community Park came....
I also unexpectedly found a Buckeye (the North American Meadow Argus) here.
Some better Bushtit shots too:
At Sumac Park just a minute drive (literally over a hill away) I found two more that should be in our local area but apparently aren't.
A Hooded Oriole, and a male at that. Not a bird I expected here (I didn't think this region was urban enough for them, especially as Bullock's is here). I assumed at a distance it was a Black-headed Grosbeak.
And also from Oak Canyon Community Park, from the duck pond near the entrance, was a Black-crowned Night-heron spending its time perched in the shade of a tree well above head height.
Laguna Road is in Camarillo. From the 101 Freeway exit at Las Posas and go west. Turn right on Laguna road. The tamarisk trees are on the left side before reaching E. Pleasant Valley Road. Hope this helps.