My next trip with Steve Davidson was to be a rather scattered search with a few targets in mind; namely Pink Robin, Gang-gang Cockatoo, Spotted Quail-thrush and the infamous Regent Honeyeater that has been staying around for a few weeks now.
The first stop off was Healesville for the Gang-gang Cockatoo, which is apparently is a common bird around the town here. About twenty minutes were spent looking, but to no avail. Of interest, a Wedge-tailed Eagle was seen in the center, and a White Ibis popped up at the petrol station.
With still no Cockatoo we headed out to Cathedral Ranges checking water along the way for Pink-eared Duck and White-necked Heron. While not seen, there was a large number of Hardhead, Black Duck and Australaian Wood Duck seen.
Cathedral Ranges was also silent in terms of bird life. A few Pink Robin-mimicking Brown Thornbills certainly sent our hearts racing, and other than these the only others were a few Scrub-wrens and Striated Thornbills up in the canopy. Further on we made a stop at a campsite car park in more perfect Pink Robin habitat. We ended up with 2 superb views of Superb Lyrebirds, one in display and the other digging a mound in the open. An hour walk and not a single other bird was heard or seen. On the way back the Lyrebirds were mimicking Gang-gang Cockatoos, Pilotbirds and other birds we hoped to see (Lyrebirds only mimic what has recently passed through) leaving us very annoyed as we could have been minutes from anything.
Cathedral Ranges was also silent in terms of bird life. A few Pink Robin-mimicking Brown Thornbills certainly sent our hearts racing, and other than these the only others were a few Scrub-wrens and Striated Thornbills up in the canopy. Further on we made a stop at a campsite car park in more perfect Pink Robin habitat. We ended up with 2 superb views of Superb Lyrebirds, one in display and the other digging a mound in the open. An hour walk and not a single other bird was heard or seen. On the way back the Lyrebirds were mimicking Gang-gang Cockatoos, Pilotbirds and other birds we hoped to see (Lyrebirds only mimic what has recently passed through) leaving us very annoyed as we could have been minutes from anything.
Calling this place off, we then made the long drive to Lurg Hills, stopping off to check Mistletoebird which wasn't seen either(!). Further stops for Gang-gang Cockatoo also provided nothing other than views of the landscape, which was pretty unique in itself.
A few other honeyeaters were seen at this point, including Yellow-tufted (a different race), White-plumed, a single Fuscous and Yellow-faced. A Black-chinned also made a brief flyby being pursued by the other honeyeaters. Wedge-tailed Eagle and Brown Falcon also turned up, silencing the birds on each appearance.
Eventually that musical wattlebird, AKA Regent Honeyeater, was heard and seen in the shade of the tree. It flew to several perches, neither in the open which was disappointing considering the perfect weather, though
what a unique bird it is. A few chases and it abruptly disappeared in one of the tallest trees, never to be seen again that day.
what a unique bird it is. A few chases and it abruptly disappeared in one of the tallest trees, never to be seen again that day.
On the way back Grey-crowned Babbler was called into the open for photos and on the last turn out an Emu and a pair of Blue-faced Honeyeaters appeared just as the sun hid behind the horizon (as you could imagine we made a swift stride as the sunset is very fast here = rapid loss of light; simply three minutes and all the light was gone).
Regent Honeyeater was the only target seen, but Steve mentioned that the next place I was after held a chance of seeing all of the missed birds.
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