This day I saw my first Common Raven (flying overhead). Among getting better pictures of local birds, nothing else amazing was found. If you've followed my blog in the past few days, you should be able to work out what they are.

I also checked out a new region of the area, which is practically a deserty hill which to my surprise had a colony of Acmon Blue, which is another of my favourite butterflies. I also found more Fiery Skipper and a Milkweed Bug. On the way in I also found a large orange butterfly, but could not get close enough to see what it was. Unfourtunately as my 5-year old brother complained of "spikes" (Which were actually just dried plants) I did not get very far up it.

I also managed to get a look at a place called Chumash Park. Here I picked up a very skittish and unapproachable
Western Scrub-jay, an immature
Western Bluebird and a fleeting glimpse of a beautiful red-headed yellow and black bird, which was my first male Western Tanager (no photos yet; until then you will have to satisfy yourself on
these) but not my first ever. Before the end of the day I followed a familiar call to find a White-breasted Nuthatch, a few more Fiery Skipper and a Spotted Towhee outside my door.
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